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When The Bees Sting

August 3, 2020
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A bee’s sting holds on and attaches itself to the affected area. When a bee tries to pull away from the person it stings it dies as a result to its abdomen tearing from the rest of its body.

The bee’s venom sac slowly releases venom into the wound; forcing the human body to react by liberating fluid that contains histamine from the blood to clean the venom from the area.

Swelling and redness usually occurs at the sting site causing the area to feel tender for several days after the sting.

If an individual has previously experienced a bee sting by a certain species of bee, a heightened response occurs, resulting in a larger swelling at the sting site.

The sting site may swell and itch as it begins to heal. It is advised to refrain from scratching the site to prevent bacteria from infecting the wound and causing a secondary infection.

The first thing you should do before you begin to treat a bee sting is get away from the bees. When bees sting they release an “alarm pheromone” to alert the other bees within the colony that they are being threatened to join the attack.

Further, once you are safely away from the bees, remove the sting quickly as possible. The longer the sting remains in the wound, the more venom that is injected into the wound and the more intense the resulting reaction.

To achieve this use your fingernail, a knife or a credit card to pinch the sting or scrape it off. Be sure to wash the site thoroughly with soap and water after the sting is removed.

In addition, apply antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage on top; followed by ice for 20 minutes per hour to reduce pain and swelling. You can take an antihistamine for itching and/or ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief.

Medical attention is advised for bee stings if you are experiencing any of the following:

Firstly, if you find that you have previously experienced an allergic reaction to a bee sting. Further, if you are experiencing more than 10 stings at one time, especially in children and the elderly.

You should seek out medical attention if the sting occurred in the mouth or throat, especially in children and if you find the sting occurred on the eyeball itself. If you find you are having redness greater than 10 inches across or notice signs of an infection that consists of increasing pain, swelling, redness, drainage of pus, and fever; please seek out medical attention.

Many are hypersensitive to bee stings, a condition known as “anaphylaxis.”

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to bee or wasp sting. Allergic reactions to stings, can develop anywhere on the body and can range from non-life-threatening reactions, such as hives, swelling, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and headaches to life-threatening reactions, such as anaphylactic shock, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, and blockage of the airway.

It is recommended that these individuals carry an adrenaline kit with them and should seek medical attention immediately after being stung, even if the kit is used.

A bee’s nest should not be removed unless it is a danger to humans. If it is determined that a nest must be removed it is always recommended to call a pest control professional who can determine the best insecticides to use and the best method of application.

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