We'll Turn Your Negative Pest Problem Into A Positive Solution!

NYC Flea Extermination Services

Positive Pest Management of New York City provides the highest quality Flea Exterminating Services to residential and commercial customers in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. By the time you find a few fleas on your pet, thousand of the flea eggs must have fallen into the carpet and cracks in the floor. Positive Pest Management has the experience and skill to handle any extermination situation related to these or other pests.

Any of your bug and pest problems will be quickly eliminated with quality & warrantied extermination work.

Flea Exterminator NYC

a flea brown

Fleas are parasites that feed on blood, and seem to prefer humans, cats, dogs, opossums, rats and other rodents. A flea can jump up to 8 inches high and are usually found on shoes, pant legs, or blankets.

Fleas have a long and infamous history as pests of humans and domestic animals:

big flea
  • Fleas transmit the bacterium Yersinia pestis from rats to humans; and therefore are required for the transmission of bubonic plague, which caused the deaths of as many as 25 million people during the 14th Century.
  • Fleas transmit murine typhus.
  • Fleas are hosts to Dipylidium caninum, or tapeworms, as they are more commonly known. Dogs, cats, other pets, or humans who accidentally swallow an infected flea (for example, while playing with a pet who has fleas) can develop a tapeworm infection.
  • Fleas can cause painful rashes, especially in sensitive individuals. These rashes may become infected when the affected individual scratches them.
  • Fleas can live for about 100 days.
  • Fleas do not fly. They jump from one place to another.
  • A pair of fleas can produce 400-500 offspring in their lifetime.
  • Adult fleas lay all of their eggs (up to 50 per day) on the pet. However, the eggs soon fall off the animal into carpeting, beneath the cushions of furniture, and wherever else the pet rests, sleeps or spends most of its time.
  • After hatching, flea eggs develop into tiny, worm-like larvae. They remain hidden deep in carpet fibers, beneath furniture cushions and in other protected areas. The larvae feed mainly on adult flea feces (dried blood) which accumulates, along with the eggs, in pet resting and activity areas.
  • Before becoming adult fleas, the larvae transform into pupae within a silk-like cocoon. Pupae remain inside the cocoon for 2 to 4 weeks, sometimes longer. The cocoon is resistant to insecticides and this is why some adult fleas are seen for an extended period, even after the home and pet are treated.

Flea Extermination Services

flea on human finger

Ridding a home of fleas can be a frustrating and costly endeavor. Unlike some pests encountered around the home, fleas cause discomfort and irritation to both pets and people. They account for more than half of all dermatological conditions requiring veterinary assistance, and even a single flea bite to a hypersensitive animal or person may cause intense itching and irritation. It would be a grave mistake to think of the flea as simply a nuisance. A heavy flea burden can be lethal to younger or smaller animal. Clearly, fleas are more than a nuisance.

They are a health menace that have no place in our homes and often they require the skills of a professional exterminator to eradicate.

For successful flea control, the home, pet and oftentimes, the yard must be treated. Yet the manner in which these treatments are performed can greatly influence the results. The following information will help frustrated pet owners effectively rid their homes and pets of fleas.

Treatment of Premises

If you neglect to treat the pet’s environment (the premises), you will miss more than 90% of the developing flea population — the eggs, larvae and pupae. If the pet spends time indoors, the interior of the home should also be treated. Before treatment, the pet owner should:

  • Clean and vacuum frequently.
  • Keep your yard clean of garbage and pet droppings.
  • Protect pets by keeping them on a leash when outside, give them lots of baths, give them monthly flea and tick treatments and take them to the vet at least once a year to make sure they haven’t been infested. If you are heading out to the woods, take the time to inspect your pets when you return to avoid infestation.

At Positive Pest Management, we take great pride in our organization and strongly believe that our services should always exceed our customer’s expectations. Our highly competent professional staff is always eager to help you with any of your exterminating needs.

Operated by Benett Pearlman who is a former Regional Director of the New York State Pest Management Association. Mr. Pearlman spent 10 years as NYPMA’s regional Director.  Positive Pest Management specializes in commercial, residential, and industrial properties. We’re in the trenches everyday, trouble shooting on site and committed to permanently solving all your pest problems in a cost-effective manner.

When it’s time to select a pest control company for bed bugs, termites, carpenter ants or other pest removal needs, Positive Pest Management is the best choice you can make. We have the experience and the expertise you need to exterminate any kind of pest problem. And we have a real passion for pest removal. That keeps us a leader in the industry.

Please feel free to contact us whenever the need arises.

The Bug Stops Here!
Positive Pest Management, Corp.

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